Sarah Quiroga & Soheil Khatib
Staff Writers
Leave November For Thanksgiving

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays and has the most promotions and sales out of the rest of the year. To start celebrating a month prior is a bit overkill though; two months’ worth of Christmas is just too much time and doesn’t allow the actual day of Christmas to be properly celebrated.
As much as I love Mariah Carey and all the Christmas trees in every shopping mall I go to, it gets boring to a certain extent. I’m sure everyone could share my sentiment at least once in their life when the third “All I Want For Christmas” starts playing on the speakers at the mall and there’s nothing better on my mind than strangling whoever is managing the speakers. By the time Christmas rolls around, every Christmas song in the book has been played and it doesn’t even feel like Christmas.
No holiday is celebrated a month in advance like Christmas. I mean there are plenty of Halloween fanatics but I’ve yet to see a single person start trick-or-treating in September. ”Why wouldn’t they?” Trick-or-treating is a tradition meant to be preserved for one or two nights. In a similar way, Christmas is meant to be saved for December.
There’s a lot of different ways to celebrate and I’m not saying any one way is right, but I do know this:
Prolonging Christmas doesn’t do Christmas any good. In fact, I would say that Christmas loses its value by trying to celebrate in November.